I’m not good at art.

#growthmindset #ownyourtruth #rewriteyourstory #yesiwaswrong

For years, I told myself, I’m not good at art.

Yeah, I was wrong.

We have to stop telling ourselves we’re not good at this or that. We have to start paying attention to the stories we tell ourselves about who we are—because those stories shape our reality.

After moving to Arizona, I decided to dig deep (as I always do) and ask myself: What stories am I still holding on to that need to be untold?

So, I took action. I signed up for a painting class. Then, I tried a Turkish mosaic lamp-making class. And you know what I learned?

You don’t have to be “good” at art—because art is your own interpretation of what’s beautiful, meaningful, and true.

And just like that, I rewrote a story.

I am good at art.

Not because someone else said so, but because I decided to believe it.

What story about yourself do you need to challenge today? And more importantly—is it even true?


#YesIWasWrong #RewriteYourStory #OwnYourTruth #GrowthMindset


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