Let’s face it, this world is moving faster and faster every day. Sometimes it can be hard to find time just for you. But we all need quality time alone just to sit quietly and do some self-reflection.
I love self-reflection. Sometimes I think I overdo it, but hey, better to overdo than not do it at all, right? For me, self-reflection is when I literally stop and think about my life, my purpose, and my place in the world. What is my legacy going to be? Am I making good choices? Is my life in tune with my values?
I sit back, pause and review my life and the events that have happened to me. I call it watching my movie because the events go through my mind like a self-reflection movie. But I don’t just watch, I analyze. I ask: How do the events make me feel now versus then? What was my initial reaction? Could I have done better? I am all about learning to understand all perspectives of a situation.
I use self-reflection as a tool to grow and learn about me. I ask myself this: Was I unreasonable? Was I completely right in how I handled the situation? Regardless, how can I be a better person because of it? I also check in deeper to see if there are any negative feelings I am holding onto. If so, I try to understand why I am so resistant. I ask: what do I need to work through? One thing I know for sure, if I sit around and wallow I won’t grow as a person and I will never find peace with the situation.
Do you think about your movie? With the start of summer, I hope you will make some time for some self-reflection. Sometimes the longer days and the warm weather gets us out and about so much that we don’t stop long enough to think. But, if something is not the way you want it to be in your life, I suggest you try to figure out where your unhappiness is coming from. Do a little self-reflecting. Watch your movie and start analyzing it. A simple process to begin with is to make a list of the pros and cons of a situation.
It may take time to figure out what’s at the root of situations and behaviors. I know it is not easy. I am struggling with an issue now that I cannot for the life of me figure out – why? I ponder it. I think about it and it is still not clear to me. The answer does not have to magically appear. Just recognizing that there is something that is not working for you is a start – so celebrate that!
Life is moving at a fast pace, but that doesn’t mean you have to, too.
You can start today. Take a few minutes to pause your movie. Reflect. Smile and remind yourself that you are the star of your movie. You get to decide what your role is, what the setting is like and even who the supporting actors are. You don’t have to keep repeating the same movie you’ve lived before. If you let yourself dig deep to get to the real reasons why the events are happening in your life, you can Bounce Back and change your life to create the movie of your dreams.
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