They are always delivered with love by my dad!
At least once a week I come home to a care package on my kitchen table. It runs the gamut from homemade pea soup to delicious chicken salad and, sometimes, to a family pack of toilet paper. And it is always delivered with love by my dad.
The relationship between a dad and a daughter is a very special bond.
So, all the dads out there reading this right now listen up! Do not take your relationship for granted with your daughter at any age! We always need our dads. She needs you throughout her life. It is your daughter’s first relationship with a man. Think about how important that is and what it means.
The man I call “Dad” married my mom when I was a young child. My biological father was not present or involved in my life. My dad stepped in and raised my two brothers and me. He always did, and continues to do, the very best he can for us.
As a young woman, I remember my dad working hard. He held two jobs most of my young adult life. He worked for the city of Philadelphia during the day and at night he worked at Acme’s deli counter. He was never afraid of hard work. He taught me invaluable lessons through his actions.
Actions always speak louder than words.
I’ve heard that phrase hundreds of times and now, as I get older, and dare I say wiser, I finally get it.
It is not whether or not someone says they love you. It’s truly what they show you on a consistent basis.
Consistently, since the age of four when my dad married my mom, he showed me how much he loves me.
Consistently, my dad has been there for my boys and me.
My dad taught me some great lessons: the importance of hard work, being honorable, and standing by your word. If you say you are going to do something – do it! My dad showed me that consistency in a child’s life is invaluable.
Every Father’s Day, I am amazed. It seems that we, as a society, go all out and create big fan fares for Mother’s Day. It seems that Father’s Day has less fan fare, less hoopla. But Father’s Day is just as important as Mother’s Day and it is time I proved that to my dad.
My dad always says: “I don’t need a card. I don’t need to see you on Father’s Day for me to know you love me.”
But yet he shows me all the time by delivering homemade soup and toilet paper, because God forbid I run out of toilet paper.
Anyway, this Father’s Day my plan is to create some hoopla for him! Maybe I will even make my dad some homemade soup.
Happy Father’s Day Dad!
Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s reading this blog. Let’s all try to remember the importance of consistency and love and let’s bring on the hoopla!
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