Jun 28, 2016 | Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
How is your self-esteem, right now? How do you feel about yourself? Think about how you feel about yourself right now, right this second…Pause… So, how are you feeling? Are you feeling good? If so, why? What is making you feel good? Is it a recent accomplishment that...
Apr 1, 2016 | Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love
My birthday is this month; I am going to be 50 years old. I am not thrilled to say that out loud, in fact, my boys and I love the number 48, so when I turned 48, I told them that is it, I am staying 48 years old forever. It’s weird to me, to say it; I am going to be...
Jul 28, 2015 | Motivation & Inspiration, Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love
I’m Jewish! You don’t look Jewish? What’s the matter, I don’t look successful? That was my opening joke for my old standup comedy routine. I am funny. It was about seven years ago, I wanted to try something new, a new hobby, so I decided to try standup comedy. It was...
Jun 23, 2015 | Motivation & Inspiration, Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
Okay, I admit it: I have the worst road rage. I can never understand why it seems as if I am the only one in a hurry when I am driving. Really? Why is no one else in a hurry?! Yesterday while I was driving, I truly believed that most drivers were in slow motion. No...
Jun 16, 2015 | Motivation & Inspiration, Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, Uncategorized
They are always delivered with love by my dad! At least once a week I come home to a care package on my kitchen table. It runs the gamut from homemade pea soup to delicious chicken salad and, sometimes, to a family pack of toilet paper. And it is always delivered with...
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