Jun 2, 2015 | Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
I never thought about this before, until today but friends are like jewelry. They accent the positives in your life and add extra color to your world. I was meeting with my publisher, editor and all around go-to girlfriend, Lisa Shiroff, when I noticed she was...
May 25, 2015 | Motivation & Inspiration, Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
It was 11 a.m. My son, Ari’s, baseball game was over, and the weather was perfect. I am not kidding you, simply perfect. No wind and the sun was shining. It was simply the kind of day you say “thank-you” as you breathe and count your blessings. And, I used it for a...
Apr 30, 2015 | Motivation & Inspiration, Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
What if in a perfect world we treated every moment like it was a special occasion, a big event or as I like to say a magical moment? Let’s try it for a month? For one month, I ‘m asking you to try it, just try it and see if you can do it! Sometimes I get a very...
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