Summer is my least favorite season! There, I admitted it.

All summer long, I kept saying:  I cannot wait for fall! OMG, I cannot wait for football.

Now, here it is: the beginning of September and I am sitting back and reflecting about my attitude toward summer.

Truth be told: this summer has been one of the best that I can remember in years for so many reasons. I loved this summer.

I spent time with family, friends and lots of time at the beach and baseball fields. Most importantly, I put the fun back into my life.

Yes, this summer added the fun back into my life.

Gone were the days of working on Friday nights to 7 or 8 p.m. tending to something that could have waited until Monday.

Gone were the days of waking up at the crack of dawn to work.

It seems that summer slows us down. Normally, I get antsy and simply cannot enjoy the slow pace the season seems to bring.

But, this summer (with a lot of help from my boyfriend Joe) I relearned how to have fun and relax.

In the beginning of the summer, I was feeling conflicted and guilty for not working 24/7. Recently, as Joe and I were dancing at the Earth, Wind and Fire concert, I looked at him and I realized what I had been missing for so long: FUN!

I remember when I was on my way to tape my last show wrapping up the second season.  Joe had texted me, saying have fun with it!

Hmmm…I thought, how can I have fun with the show? I deal with serious issues and my guests are overcoming adversity. That means I must be serious. Unfortunately, I was becoming so serious with the show that I was forgetting to enjoy it, to relax and have some fun with it.

Does this ever happen to you?

Do you get so caught up with being “busy” that you forget to breathe and have fun?

As we are gearing up for fall and getting back into the busy lives we all lead day to day, remember this: have fun with it!

Remember to smile, give yourself permission to sleep in on the weekends, enjoy a lazy Sunday or whatever it is you need to do to mix it up and have some fun!

So, after all of my complaining about how much I do not like summer, I have to say, this one was one of the best.

I hope you all had a great summer and an even better fall!

fun photo

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