Speaking on a national level for a few years and producing a talk show for four years has been an unbelievable learning experience.

When I am done speaking, people come up to meet me for many different reasons. Some want to take a selfie, others want a hug and some just want to say thank you for sharing your story because it truly spoke to them. One women once told me I was speaking to her soul.

The TV show has made me step way out of my comfort zone. It has not been easy, but it has been so very rewarding. The people I meet teach and remind me for all of us to be just that, US! Be true to ourselves. That we are not and do not have to conform to what our label says we are.

It has taught me one of the greatest lessons in life – we are all the same.  We are all human beings living a very human and real experience. The real beauty is that we all want the same thing. To be loved, valued and appreciated.

Next time you are struggling with insecurity or self-doubt look in the mirror and begin by taking a look at yourself and tell yourself that you, and you alone, are love. Now, you may not feel it or believe it, but it’s true. Take one small step and look at your reflection and think about that.

We all have the same insecurities in some similar way. Some people are simply better at masking them or hiding them.

Be kind always. To yourself and to others because we are all struggling with something and we are all perfectly imperfect human beings living a very human experience.


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