Recently, I walked into WAWA wearing jeans, an old sweatshirt and well-worn sneakers. My hair was in a ponytail and I wasn’t wearing any makeup. While getting coffee I noticed a woman wearing fabulous shoes. I smiled at her and complimented her shoes. She politely smiled back and said, “thank you.”

She appreciated the compliment and it didn’t seem to matter to her that I was dressed like a bum.

I always smile at everyone and anyone because I truly believe that a smile can make a difference in someone’s day. But, I do have to admit that there are times when I don’t get a smile back when I’m dressed down. Interesting, huh?

One time I was in workout clothes and I needed to run an errand to get my watch fixed at a high-end jewelry store. I entered wearing gym shorts, sneakers, and yes, again my hair was up in a ponytail. The manager looked at me with a face that clearly said: what is she doing in this store?  Later, when I returned to pick up my watch, I was dressed for work looking a lot more glamorous. Guess what? When I smiled at the store manager, all of the sudden he was nicer and he smiled back. In my head I thought, jerk!

Why is it so important to some people how we look? Yes, I know the answer: we live in a world where presentation is so important. Yes, I get that we have to make a nice presentation for a job, or a holiday, or whatever. But, I wonder why people react to me differently when I am “dressed.” Shouldn’t we be nice to everyone?

I always tell my children to be nice to everyone. We all have our own stories and never, ever judge a book by its cover. Can we stop making judgments about people and what they are wearing or look like? Ah, in a perfect world, we would.

We live in a world where we need National World Kindness Day. Or random acts of kindness week.

I say: let’s strive for everyday to be kind, and smile at someone no matter they are wearing. Let’s respect each other, be pleasant and always remember to smile and make someone’s day!

A smile a day is just one example of taking care of YOU and doing something nice for others! You’ll notice if you smile at someone, you make their day, which will make yours.

If you are looking for ways to make yourself feel better or need a pick me up, Check out my book Life Happens: Bounce Back! or visit my YouTube channel at BouncingBackLisaBien.


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