On the phone, in person and even in email, you hear this all the time – I’m so “busy”!

It’s seems the word, the adjective – busy – has become everyone’s favorite word these days.

As the fall season approaches, I’m promising myself not to be busy, but to be present, to be in the moment and to be the best version of me I know how to be.

To be present for my boys.

To be present from my boyfriend Joe.

To be present for my family and friends.

To be present for my clients.

To be present for my students.

But most of all to be present for me.

I love loving me every day and when we’re too busy to be present we are missing out.

No more for me.

Fall is the season for change. Ah yes, that word so many people fear: change. I invite you to consider this: think about changing your thinking, decide to be present as part of having the greatest love affair of all with you. Being present is what will allow you to truly enjoy your life and everyone in it. Yes, we are all busy running around in this human race working and taking care of others but let’s not forget to take care of us first.


Make it a beautiful day –


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