road rage

Okay, I admit it: I have the worst road rage. I can never understand why it seems as if I am the only one in a hurry when I am driving.

Really? Why is no one else in a hurry?!

Yesterday while I was driving, I truly believed that most drivers were in slow motion. No matter where I went, there I was behind a slow driver!


Deep breath…deep breath…

I tried to pass people. I went back and forth from the left lane to the right lane. Ugh! No matter what, I could not get past the slow drivers! But, then it hit me, no matter how much I rushed, we were all meeting again at the light – all of us – the fast and the slow drivers.

Then something else hit me – like an ice cold bucket of water being splashed on my face: I will still get to my destination whether I panic, stress and try to get the cars on the road to move over, I will get there!

For the last four years, I have been pushing, prodding, and working feverishly to make things happen to launch my career as a nationally recognized motivational speaker. My dream is to take my message of self-love and self-acceptance to as large of an audience as possible. I want to remind our younger generation to love and embrace who they are and to inspire women to go on a journey of self- love and have the greatest love affair of all (with themselves).

Yes, I know life is a journey and that every day is a learning lesson, but yesterday was both a reminder and a lesson for me.

The reminder: stop and enjoy the journey.

The lesson: if I make it to the “Super Bowl” of my goals and careers overnight, I will not learn from the practices, appreciate the hard work and understand the level of commitment it requires for my dream to become a reality.

I am a motivational speaker.

On a national level? No.

But, I continue to head down the road towards my goal.

Is it hard work? Yes.

Is it scary? Yes.

Can I do it? You bet I can!

What road are you heading down? Where is it leading you today? Sometimes, we get so busy and caught up trying to make it happen at the speed of light that we forget to remind ourselves to enjoy it and make sure the road is going where we need to go.

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