Jul 5, 2020 | love, Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
‘Til Death Do Us Part’, right? If only it were that simple. When you leave a marriage, people call it a “failed marriage,” but when people choose to leave a job, people celebrate them for whatever comes next. Why is it that we are so quick to use the F word, fail,...
May 28, 2020 | love, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
On Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, I attended a Zoom call hosted by a woman named Elisheva, from The Safed Multipurpose Women’s Center, offering programming for Jewish women to celebrate the beauty of Jewish tradition and values, women’s health and...
Jun 4, 2019 | love, Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
Friday night I was enjoying pizza with a friend when she asked me how I don’t stress if someone says something negative to me or volunteers unsolicited advice. My response was it comes with age and it took me time to learn how to do it. I shared with her how I taught...
May 28, 2019 | Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
The chocolate cake was delicious. It was moist, and it had the perfect, I mean perfect, amount of icing. It was melt-in-your mouth delicious. As I took my second bite, I thought to myself, you don’t really need the cake. But, it was just so good, I made the decision...
Dec 28, 2018 | Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, Success Stories, The Life You Want
When I had younger children, I would spend time at night packing lunches. I had the hurry-up and get your child to school and make it to work on-time routine. Today at 52 I have a wonderful morning routine that helps me create my day. It took me this long to realize...
Sep 21, 2018 | love, Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
This time last year, I remember attending services, looking out the window and thanking God for all the beauty in my life. I was then, and continue to be, grateful for my health and all the wonderful blessings in my life. When I originally spoke with Cantor Bosky...
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