Jul 5, 2020 | love, Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
‘Til Death Do Us Part’, right? If only it were that simple. When you leave a marriage, people call it a “failed marriage,” but when people choose to leave a job, people celebrate them for whatever comes next. Why is it that we are so quick to use the F word, fail,...
May 28, 2020 | love, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
On Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, I attended a Zoom call hosted by a woman named Elisheva, from The Safed Multipurpose Women’s Center, offering programming for Jewish women to celebrate the beauty of Jewish tradition and values, women’s health and...
May 15, 2020 | Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, self love
I needed a change of scenery. I needed something for me. So, we took a road trip to the shore. I have been at home for the past nine weeks, except for walks in my neighborhood and an occasional trip to the grocery store. I have watched more TV than I care to admit....
Oct 27, 2019 | love, Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love
My Life – I am thankful for my life. Life is fragile and I never take it for granted that I am here, alive and well. My Health – I thankful for each new day that I wake up, and thank God for my health. My children – I am thankful that I am a mom. Jacob...
Jun 19, 2019 | Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love
Full disclosure – I never thought of myself as a dog person. In fact, recently when someone saw me post on Facebook that I was looking to hire a dog walker they texted me to ask me if my account had been hacked! I really never understood what all the fuss was about....
Jun 4, 2019 | love, Motivation & Inspiration, personal growth, Relationships, self love, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
Friday night I was enjoying pizza with a friend when she asked me how I don’t stress if someone says something negative to me or volunteers unsolicited advice. My response was it comes with age and it took me time to learn how to do it. I shared with her how I taught...
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