Jun 23, 2015 | Motivation & Inspiration, Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
Okay, I admit it: I have the worst road rage. I can never understand why it seems as if I am the only one in a hurry when I am driving. Really? Why is no one else in a hurry?! Yesterday while I was driving, I truly believed that most drivers were in slow motion. No...
Jun 16, 2015 | Motivation & Inspiration, Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, Uncategorized
They are always delivered with love by my dad! At least once a week I come home to a care package on my kitchen table. It runs the gamut from homemade pea soup to delicious chicken salad and, sometimes, to a family pack of toilet paper. And it is always delivered with...
Jun 9, 2015 | Motivation & Inspiration, Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
Please do not make me go clothes shopping! Clothes shopping used to be a chore for me. Then, something amazing happened: I fell in love with me and that includes my body! It’s so incredibly freeing to look in the mirror and love what you see – especially in the...
Jun 5, 2015 | Motivation & Inspiration, Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love
Guest Blogger: Kathleen Cashman I had lunch with my good friend and colleague Lisa Bien the other day at our favorite place, although we did not get our favorite table by the window but that is for another time. We did sit in a great area and immediately began to...
Jun 2, 2015 | Relationships, Self-Acceptance/Self-Love, The Life You Want
I never thought about this before, until today but friends are like jewelry. They accent the positives in your life and add extra color to your world. I was meeting with my publisher, editor and all around go-to girlfriend, Lisa Shiroff, when I noticed she was...
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